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Service #3
Rule 25 Assessment – Usually can get in within one day – Call now to get in for your Rule 25 Assessment
Service #4
Annette Pullen, MS is an EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist
- EMDR-Therapy: help for PTSD, rape recovery, psychological abuse or neglect, abandonment experiences, marital betrayals, difficult divorces, excessive anger.
- EMDR-Therapy: help for depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, agoraphobia, stress management, personal & spiritual growth
- EMDR-Therapy: Adult Survivors of Child Abuse & Trauma Recovery: for adults emotionally, physically or sexually abused as children.
PTSD – Post-traumatic stress disorder. - EMDR-Therapy for Anxiety and Performance Blocks: rapid relief for anxiety, phobias and fears (such as shyness – fear of social situations, fear of public speaking, fear of heights, fear of the dentist, stage fright). Overcoming low self-esteem, self-limiting beliefs and performance blocks.
The Power of Negative Thinking
When we experience a traumatic event, our thinking is impacted. Annette believes that through intervention of counseling and skill development, individuals can have a change in thinking patterns. The goal of counseling is to provide a foundational support and to provide support through empowerment. Counseling at Renew Your Mind is for individuals having experienced any level of trauma, as well as any other mental health need. Renew Your Mind is also for those seeking family therapy, couples therapy, or test anxiety support. For a more inclusive list of services offered, please see our Services Provided page. The overarching objective is to help people move forward in a life of wellness despite the traumatic experiences they have endured.
Law Enforcement:
What a great privilege to be a source of support, encouragement, and guidance during this time in your life. As you navigate life struggles, I believe it is important for you to know, I respect that you have taken the oath to protect and serve; as well, I also understand that you have a life outside of your career. Your work is likely frustrating, exhausting, dangerous, and rewarding on so many levels. These experiences coupled with your life outside your career can begin to wear on you. These can take a toll. Oftentimes coming in for therapy can seem daunting in so many ways. As a Professional Counselor I have worked with police officers, 911 dispatchers, and detectives. The type of therapy I specialize in can help you experience resolution and relief in a relatively quick period of time. I believe that it takes courage to reach out for help. Give yourself the gift, call today. I look forward to helping you learn to live a life of wellness despite what you have been through and what you are facing. Self-care is a gift to yourself and those who love you. Come begin your journey today.